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Science + Art Fun for Kids - LAB Studio

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

What is our Science + Art class all about?

Our Science + Art classes are great for those who think curiously and creatively! Kids will get to make S.T.E.A.M. related projects, and discover varying topics of the month at LAB studio. These classes are artsy as well as educational, as we build presentable dioramas, sculptures and/or experiments inspired by our theme of the month.

What is S.T.E.A.M. learning?

S.T.E.A.M is a fun acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math, and this type of learning has probably been around since Leonardo daVinci's time (McAuliffe, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change). By incorporating the design processes into science learning, it gives our students and our instructors a broader sense of creative exploration. These classes also give us opportunity to come up with new and different ideas, and collaborate together. Kids may have some really interesting takes on our theme, and we love to encourage replies like, "Great idea, it made me think about..." or "That's brilliant, I'd like to add..." and have one thought lead to another!

Here at LAB, we like to get inspired by current pop culture themes, and when we combine all these elements, we get to create a great artsy learning experience for our kids. In the last several months, we made “Among Us” and “Minecraft” themed game maps, designed some of the fastest balloon rockets, and pretended to be archeologists digging up fossils and artifacts in our “Animal Crossing” inspired excavation site. We even did what "Jurassic Park" palaeontologists did and created fossilized dinosaur bones, designed an indestructible contraption for our egg drop challenge, and learned about moon phases and constellations!

Check out these pictures of our awesome students’ and their work!

Is there a recommended age for this class?

We definitely recommend students to be aged 7 and up to fully enjoy our Science + Art classes and concepts. We incorporate reading and writing into our art projects too. There are 2 age groups for our students to participant in: ages 7-10 will have more guidance and structure, and ages 11-15 will have more research opportunities and independent learning.

Will you repeat the Science + Art themes in future courses?

Right now, we are constantly coming up with new themes and activities that are relevant and fun to kids today.

In January, we’ll be learning about Animal Kingdom and creating “Pokemon”-inspired trading cards. We'll explore different animal classifications, and have our students discover fun facts about their favourite mammals or invertebrates.

In February, we’ll be like Harry Potter’s Professor Sprout and teaching Photosynthesis to create a unique magical planter for different seedlings. We'll find out what a plant needs to thrive and grow in our world, and perhaps a classroom in Hogwarts.

We also have upcoming themes such as Captain’s Cartography and Optical Illusions, so stay tuned! If you/your child have suggestions or would love to see a theme come back, be sure to let us know, and we’ll try our best to bring it back for a camp or in a future class.

Check our schedules here, and sign up today to book your spots!

Can't wait to create with you,

Messy Jessy + Trendy Wendy


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